Member Profile


Royal Society Te Apārangi is an independent not-for-profit organisation that supports all New Zealanders to explore, discover and share knowledge. Its varied programmes provide funding and learning opportunities for researchers, teachers and school students, together with those who are simply curious about the world.

To celebrate the discoveries of New Zealand researchers, the Society awards medals and elects research leaders and scholars in the fields of humanities, science and technology to its Academy. These experts help the Society to provide independent advice to New Zealanders and the government on issues of public concern.

The Society publishes peer-reviewed journals and has a broad network of members and friends around New Zealand. It also fosters New Zealand’s involvement in international research.

Contact details:

Michelle Wickens
International Contracts Coordinator

Professor Robyn Longhurst
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), The University of Waikato

11 Turnbull Street
Wellington 6012
New Zealand

PO Box 598
Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Tel: +64 4 470 5756