The Global Development Network (GDN) welcomes applications from research teams based in Thailand, Indonesia and Fiji to act as Doing Research (DR) national correspondents interested in implementing Doing Research Assessments (DRA) in their respective countries, starting in early 2025. A grant of up to 50,000 USD is set per research team to implement a DRA in their respective country for a period of 15 months, with technical support and advice from GDN’s global Doing Research team. One DRA will be conducted in each country by each research team. Research teams must apply through an institution, for example, research institution, higher education institution or centre.

The application deadline has been extended to October 14, 2024. The application documents must be filled in English. Please use only the provided documents for application and do not develop your own.

The DRAs results will be featured at the AASSREC Biennial General Conference in December 2025.

To understand what is expected of a research team, before applying, please read the DRA Standard Methodology and the following DRAs that have been implemented in Bolivia (2020), El Salvador (2022), Nigeria (2020), Indonesia (2020), and Myanmar (2020 and an update in 2021). A pilot phase (2014-2016) supported seven research teams from 11 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to study their research environment using a range of different scientific approaches, from historical analysis to analysis of political economy and econometric approaches.

For more information on this call, please visit the call webpage. In case of queries, write to Daniel Fussy at copying