ISC calls for expressions of interest to host regional presence in Asia Pacific The International Science Council (ISC) has called for expressions of interest to host a reginal presence of the ISC in the Asia-Pacific Region. The call for expressions of interest...
The Importance of Languages in a Global Context: An International Call to Action The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia was proud to sign a joint statement this month with the British Academy, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Royal Society of...
Networking for Advancement of Solutions to Emerging Issues (NEASE) The Center for Development Research and Interventions (CDRI), Sri Lanka, as a community oriented research organization comprising academics drawn from the University of Colombo and several other...
News, Publications
Crime and Punishment in the Philippines: Beyond Politics and Spectacle Edited by Filomin C. Gutierrez, PhD. This edited volume assembles works from social science researchers, criminal justice practitioners, and a media practitioner in hopes of making sense of...
PSCC opens online bookshop and lecture repository The Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC) online bookshop and repository of lectures and webinars are now open! The PSSC online bookshop is a one-stop shop for Philippine social science publications,...
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