ICSSR hosts 21st Science Council of Asia Conference
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) recently hosted the 21st Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference. Held online from 15-17 March 2022, the main theme of the conference was “Science, Technology & Social Science Research: Together for a Better World”. The sub-themes of the conference were:
- Theme 1: Science, technology and public policy in larger social, historical and ethical contexts
- Theme 2: Science, technology and society for SDGs
- Theme 3: Socio-technological transformation and Future Earth: theories and applications
- Theme 4:Socio-technological transitions and the key economic sectors
- Theme 5:Social construct of scientific and technological developments
- Theme 6: Role of science and technology and social science in the emerging research fields such as biomedical science, information science, and the natural sciences
- Theme 7: Frameworks, approaches, methods for science, technology and social science studies
- Theme 8: Social Science Paradigm with emerging Big data, Artificial Intelligence and Block-Chains
The SCA is an international scientific organization founded in 2000 by Asian science academies and other national scientific and social science organizations. The founding countries of SCA are India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, China and Vietnam. The annual SCA conference is held on a rotational basis so that each member country/region can actively participate in and contribute to the SCA.
The Science Council of Asia brings together scientists and scientific organisations from all academic fields, including the cultural and social sciences as well as the natural sciences and technology, to achieve the following aims:
- To exchange information among Asian countries on the current status of science;
- To promote collaboration and cooperation in a wide range of fields in the sciences in the Asian region;
- To deepen understanding and trust among scientists in Asia.
This year the Conference was attended by about 600 participants from more than ten countries/region.
The 21st SCA Conference conducted a series of meetings including the International Symposium consisting of an Opening ceremony, 8 Parallel Sessions and a panel discussion, each with 3 to 7 oral presentations, 2-5 poster sessions with approximately 41 posters, a Closing ceremony and SCA’s Management Board Meeting. A special attraction of the Conference was that a presentation by Future Earth Hub Directors/Deputy Directors from China-Japan-South Asia-Taipei about Future Earth and activities in Asia.
Further information can be found on the SCA website here.
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