ISC calls for expressions of interest to host regional presence in Asia Pacific
The International Science Council (ISC) has called for expressions of interest to host a reginal presence of the ISC in the Asia-Pacific Region.
The call for expressions of interest provides ISC members with an opportunity to indicate their preparedness to invest the effort and resource required to host an ISC regional structure, and to provide essential information on their ideas and capacities, as well as any constraints on their actions. The ISC Governing Board recognizes that expressions of interest are not binding, but are a basis for discussion with ISC members about their ideas and capacities for developing an ISC regional structure.
All expressions of interest will be reviewed by the ISC Governing Board as a basis for bilateral discussions and negotiations with selected members, which will be led by the ISC Officers and CEO. The launch of new regional ISC secretariat structures will be negotiated on a case by case basis. New structures will not be launched before the conclusion of existing hosting agreements.
Expressions of interest can be submitted by any member of the Council in good standing (being up-to-date with membership dues). The deadline for submissions is 15 May 2021.
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