From 9-10 May 2024, Bangkok played host to a pivotal gathering of academics, policymakers and funding bodies at the Regional Summit for Social Science Funding and Collaboration in the Indo-Pacific. Co-hosted by AASSREC and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), the event served as a unique platform for fostering collaboration and innovation in social science research.

The summit, convened under the auspices of AASSREC’s Boosting Social Sciences and their Contribution to Better Lives across the Indo-Pacific program, witnessed the convergence of over 90 representatives from more than 22 countries, demonstrating a commitment to collaboration from social scientists with diverse national affiliations.

With a focus on three key themes—bilateral and multilateral collaboration opportunities, policy engagement and prioritising funding initiatives—the summit facilitated dynamic discussions aimed at addressing critical societal challenges across the Indo-Pacific region.

AASSREC President Professor Dhananjay Singh and Secretary General Ms Michelle Bruce opened the summit and welcomed the delegates, while keynote addresses, workshop sessions, panel discussions, and important networking opportunities followed over two days. Supported by partners such as UNESCO, the Global Development Network (GDN), and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), invited speakers highlighted the importance of harnessing social science expertise to tackle the many serious challenges facing the region.

At the conclusion of the event, many delegates reported a sense of optimism and excitement at the opportunities arising from the summit and highlighted the valuable professional connections that had been sparked with international colleagues.

The organisers would like to thank the speakers, partner organisations and attendees for contributing to the success of the summit and are hopeful that the event will be a starting point for driving positive change and fostering inclusive development across the Indo-Pacific region well into the future.